Finding Support and Counseling Services in St. Louis, Missouri

Are you in search of support groups or counseling services in St. Louis, Missouri? Provident is here to help! Our certified community behavioral health clinics (CCBHC) provide comprehensive, coordinated, and quality behavioral health services, including mental health and substance use services. Our recovery support programs offer services such as care coordination, recovery counseling, spiritual counseling, group support, housing for recovery, and transportation before, during, after, and in coordination with other substance use disorder service providers. We also have a Deaf Services Advocate Program that supports the needs of deaf people served at community mental health centers and certified community behavioral health clinics. At Provident, we understand the unique emotional needs of those who have experienced suicide.

We strive to provide the best possible care to ensure that everyone can get the help they need. Our team of professionals is here to provide you with the support you need to get through difficult times. We offer a wide range of social services that can help you with suicide prevention and mental health diagnosis. Our caring support encourages sharing, learning, growth, and healing.

Keisha Amici
Keisha Amici

Hardcore twitter scholar. Unapologetic internet enthusiast. Zombie trailblazer. Total zombie maven. Amateur tv lover.